About the Journal

Journal of 5N1Quality (5N1Q) is an international, blind peer-reviewed and open access e-journal that started its publication life in 2023. The aim of the journal is to create a scientific platform where scientists can share their knowledge, contribute to the literature, and present their free scientific thoughts in the light of science in the international arena in order to lead scientific efforts in the fields of Health Quality and Accreditation, Health Management, Health and other multidisciplinary sciences.

Journal of 5N1Quality (5N1Q) accepts original research, reviews, original images, case reports, letters to the editor and editorial articles in Turkish or English on all subjects covering Quality and Accreditation in Health, Health Management, Health and other multidisciplinary sciences.

The journal is published in three issues per year.

Journal of 5N1Quality (5N1Q), the responsibility of the articles and the text of the articles belongs to the authors themselves.

It is an open access journal.

All authors and readers have free access to the articles.

It publishes all accepted articles as open access without any article submission, processing and/or publication fees.