Bilgi güvenliği kapsamında yer alan rol gruplarının değerlendirilmesi




Bilgi Güvenliği, Bilgi Yönetim Sistemi, Rol Grupları, Yetki



Health institutions and organizations are complex structures in which many different groups such as patients, patient relatives and employees are involved in every step taken in line with their vision and mission, and a large number of data is entered into information while these actions are being performed. It is very important to manage and present all the information created in these institutions and organizations, where different groups and stakeholders are involved, in order to create the infrastructure of the health system.

Health information management systems are used in the processes applied during the meeting of health needs in institutions, the results of the processes and their transformation into information. Information Management systems in institutions, as a living phenomenon of the institution, are responsible for recording the data in integrity, giving importance to confidentiality and privacy during recordings and providing access to these records within certain limits when requested. Easy accessibility to accurate information and documents is a very important element in healthcare institutions. In this study; In line with the information security studies of all employees in our institution; All the activities of the institution within the scope of information security were evaluated with the aim of emphasizing the importance of determining the role groups, granting system access authorizations, and performing the activities carried out in the management of authorization changes in line with the Quality Standards in Health Information Management System and the Information Security Policy Guidelines of the Ministry of Health.

As a result of the study, in ensuring information security in institutions; It has been determined that it is important to establish corporate information security policies with a process that receives the full support of corporate managers, to document processes in line with policies, and to continue monitoring, updating, auditing and training studies in line with legal regulations with the same determination


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How to Cite

ALPTEKİN YILDIZ, Z., Yurttaş, H., & Ozan, B. (2023). Bilgi güvenliği kapsamında yer alan rol gruplarının değerlendirilmesi. Journal of 5N1Quality, 1(1), 19–28.