Risk management and processes in health institutions





Risk Değerlendirmesi, Risk Yönetim Süreci, Sağlık Çalışanı, Sağlıkta Risk Yönetimi


One of the concepts whose importance is increasing with patient safety is risk management. The concept of risk management is the successful identification, management and reduction of risk in ensuring the continuity of health services. At the same time, risk management is the ability to use opportunities and uncertainties as tools for strategic decision making. In order for this process to be managed effectively, the duties, authorities and responsibilities in the institution should be clearly communicated to the employees and the employees should fulfill these responsibilities. The success of the risk management program is possible if all employees understand and apply the risk management philosophy.

Risk management in health institutions; in addition to ensuring the safety of employees, it is to identify, analyze and take measures of all threats that may threaten the property, name and earnings of the institution. For this reason, risk management is a comprehensive issue that includes senior management and all employees. In order to manage risks correctly, they should be classified according to their characteristics. There are taxonomies available for health institutions, but institutions can develop appropriate systems themselves.

The aim of this study is to understand the purpose of risk management in health facilities, the distribution of tasks within the institution and to explain the place of risk management in the practices of health institutions.


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How to Cite

Dağcı, S., Kızılay, V., Güngör, F. E., Sezen, S., & Çetinkaya Kutun, F. (2023). Risk management and processes in health institutions. Journal of 5N1Quality, 1(2), 88–100. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8244902