İş Stresi ile Duygusal Emek İlişkisi: Özel Hastane Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma
In this study, it was aimed to examine whether the relationships and levels of work stress and emotional labor differ according to the demographic characteristics of hospital employees. The descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted between June and July 2022. The universe of the study consists of 350 employees of a private hospital with 143 beds in Turkey. The sample of the study consists of 275 private hospital employees selected by convenience sampling method. In the survey form prepared to collect data in the study, there are Job Stress Scale and Emotional Labor Scale as well as questions about demographic characteristics. Work stress was positively and significantly associated with surface behavior (r=.359; p=0.000) and deep behavior (r=.170; p=0.005), and negatively and significantly with natural/sincere behavior (r=-.182; p=0.002). has been found to be. In addition, significant differences were found in the work stress and emotional labor levels of the participants according to their gender, age, duties, seniority and working status. Work stress increases surface behavior and deep behavior, while it decreases natural/sincere behavior. In addition, the level of work stress and emotional labor varies according to gender, age, duty and seniority. It is evaluated that it would be appropriate to take measures to reduce work stress and superficial and deep acting, which is one of the dimensions of emotional labor, in hospitals.
Keywords: Stress, Job Stress, Emotional Labor, Hospital Employees.
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