Evaluatıon of Altruıstıc Attıtudes of Healthcare Workers Based on Socıodemographıc Characterıstıcs Through Postgraduate Theses Conducted In Turkey
Sağlık çalışanlarının özgecilik tutumu
Altruism, Postgraduate Theses.Abstract
The aim of this study is to examine the "altruism" attitudes of healthcare workers according to their sociodemographic characteristics through postgraduate theses published in Turkey between the years 2000-2024 (May). This study was conducted as a systematic review. The terms "altruism," "özgecilik," and "diğerkamlık" were searched in the National Thesis Center database for theses published in Turkish between 2000-2024 (May). The search resulted in 106 theses, of which 8 theses focusing on healthcare workers were included in the study. A form was created in Excel, and the data from the theses were recorded in this form. Content analysis was conducted based on the topics covered in the theses. Within the scope of the study, 8 postgraduate theses were analyzed. It was observed that 7 of these theses focused on nurses, and 1 focused on both physicians and nurses. The theses explored the relationships between altruistic attitudes and other factors such as compassion levels, emotional labor behaviors, attitudes towards organ donation, ego states, attitudes towards blood donation, religiosity, empathic tendencies, adult attachment styles, fatigue levels, and indicators of care quality. The findings suggest that sociodemographic characteristics influence healthcare workers' altruistic attitudes, with nurses exhibiting high levels of altruism. Furthermore, a high level of altruism positively affects emotional labor behaviors, attitudes towards blood/organ donation, and empathic tendencies.
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