Writing Rules
1. Turkish and English articles will be published in the journal.
2. Manuscripts in Turkish must comply with the spelling rules of the Turkish Language Association.
3. Manuscripts should not have been published anywhere before. If it has been presented in any congress, this article should be marked with a star in the title and marked with a star on the cover page, indicating the name, date and place of the congress presented.
4. After the manuscript submitted to the journal for publication is accepted, all kinds of publication rights belong to the journal.
5. All submitted manuscripts are firstly pre-reviewed by the Journal of 5N1Quality Editors in terms of form and content, it is generally decided whether it is worth publishing in the journal and then sent to 2 (two) referees related to the field from the Scientific Advisory Board. Manuscripts that do not comply with the publication principles will not be sent to the referees.
6. Which article will be sent to which referees is decided according to the interests of the referees and the articles. Authors are not informed about the identities of the referees who evaluate the manuscript, and referees are not informed about who the manuscript belongs to. Referee reports are confidential.
7. In case of a favourable opinion from both referees to whom the article is sent, the article is queued for publication. If both referees give a negative opinion, the article is not published under any circumstances. If the two referees have different opinions, the article is sent to a third referee; it is decided to be published or not published according to the response of the third referee. According to the reports of the referees, it is decided to publish the article as it is (acceptance), to request corrections, additions or deletions, or not to publish (rejection), and this decision is notified to the author or authors.
8. In case the referees give an opinion in favour of correction, the author is contacted and asked to complete the necessary corrections and send them back. No changes can be made in the manuscripts sent back for correction, except for the requests of the referees and the editor. Corrected manuscripts are not published unless they are corrected by the author or authors within the specified period. Within 15 (fifteen) days, articles that are not corrected and sent by the author are rejected by the system.
9. Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word programme and should be sent with tables, figures, graphics and photographs. Especially tables, figures and graphics should not overflow the page margins and should be maximum one page. If there is a continuing table, it should be divided.
10. It should be stated on the title page under the heading "DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST" that the articles have been read and approved by all authors and have not been published elsewhere or sent for publication.
11. There should be no names of the authors in the article file content uploaded to the system. The names and other information of the authors should be included in the "TITLE PAGE".
12. For research articles that require ethics committee approval, the ethics committee approval must be uploaded separately to the system as an attachment to the article. Information about the Ethics Committee should be included in the "TITLE PAGE", not in the article.
13. Works, including pictures and tables, should not exceed 20 pages.
14. Articles should be written in 12p Arial font. Line and paragraph spacing should be 1.5. Writing paper layout should be A4 size, margins should be 2.5 on all sides. The number of columns should be "one".
15. Tables should fit in the window. Table names should be at the top and left justified, figure and graphic names should be at the bottom and centre.
16. References to the bibliography should be in "APA-7" format.
Matters to be Considered in the Preparation of the Manuscript
Title of the article: The title should reflect the content of the article. However, it should not be longer than 12 words (the title page should be filled in according to the example).
Authors : Author names should not appear in the manuscript. The full names, academic degrees and institutions of the authors should be written in the article upload system during registration.
Contact Address : The names of the author to be contacted will not be included in the manuscript. The title, name, surname, contact address, e-mail address of the author to be contacted should be specified in the article upload system during registration.
Abstract: In this section, a brief summary of the main parts of the article should be given. The abstract should be prepared in Turkish and English. The abstract should not be more than 250 words. The abstract should be given in an unstructured form according to the template.
Keywords: After the Turkish and English abstracts, there should be at least 3 and at most 5 keywords in accordance with Index Medicus.
Research Articles:
Main Text: Research articles should be written in the traditional form of introduction, method, findings, discussion and conclusion, references and tables and figures. The main text (excluding abstract, tables and figures, references) should not be more than 3000 words (articles should be written in accordance with the article template).
The introduction should provide sufficient information to enable the reader to understand and evaluate the results of the present study without the need to refer to previous publications on the subject. The introduction should also state the rationale, rationale and short and long term aims of the study.
The method section should be written in such detail that other researchers can repeat the study. Therefore, the method should be written in full detail. The observation techniques, questionnaires and other forms of measurement used should be described, data collection methods and experimental groups should be defined. It should be stated how the statistical evaluation of the data was performed. If classical methods were used and no changes were made in the method, only the name of the method and the source from which it was taken should be given.
In the findings section, the data obtained in the research should be explained in a certain logical-analytical integrity and flow by giving figures and tables. Data should be analysed with appropriate statistical methods. If necessary, figures, photographs and similar images can be used.
The discussion should include the following main headings.
-Summary of the main findings of the study,
-Strengths and limitations of the study,
-Literature comparisons of the findings obtained,
-It should include the possible reflections of the findings on future studies and practice.
Review Articles:
Review: It should be an article that presents the basic views on the subject under review, analyses the analyses on which these views are based, and based on these, the author reaches a conclusion. Articles prepared by experts who have a background in the subject of the article and whose knowledge is reflected in the international literature in terms of the number of publications and citations are evaluated. Authors may also be invited by the journal. The manuscript should be prepared in a format that describes, discusses, evaluates and evaluates the state of the art of a knowledge or subject for its use in the clinic and gives direction to future studies. The main text should start with the "Introduction" section and end with the "Conclusion" section. The remaining titles of the text can be determined by the authors according to the content of the study. It should not be longer than 4000 words. The author should have the instinct to give basic information to the readers about the subject.
Short Report:
Guidelines for original articles will remain the same, with exceptions.
Letter to the Editor:
These are the articles that include discussions about the content and stylistic features of the articles published in the journal and the contributions of the reader. Congress, Symposium, Panel Proceedings or Reports: These are the papers or reports made at the end of scientific activities that fall within the scope of the journal's publication principles.
Title Data:
*Title 1
Left-justified, thick, all big
The text starts with a new paragraph.
*Title 2
Left justify, bold, initials capitalised
The text starts with a new paragraph.
*Title 3
Left justify, bold, italic, first letter capital italic
The text starts with a new paragraph.
The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. Both in-text references and the bibliography section should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association APA-7 version published by the American Psychological Association (in Microsoft Word application, References, Manage References). Each source cited in the article must be included in the References index. The number of references should not exceed 50 in original research, 20 in case reports and 80 in reviews. Authors should not use less than 10 references. For more comprehensive information, help can be obtained from APA 7 Official Website. https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples/
Author Type Single authored study
Quote in Brackets (Carducci, 2009)
Narrative Excerpt Carducci (2009)
Author Type Two-author study
Parenthetical Citation (Vollrath and Torgersen, 2002)
Narrative Citation Vollrath and Torgersen (2020)
Author Type Study with three or more authors
Parenthetical Citation (Gunay-Oge et al., 2020)
Narrative Citation Gunay-Oge et al (2020)
Group with abbreviation
First quote
Next excerpts
(World Health Organisation [WHO], 2020)
(WHO, 2020)
World Health Organisation (WHO, 2020)
WHO (2020)
Group without abbreviation
(Hacettepe University, 2020)
Hacettepe University (2020)
No Author Information
("New Drug," 1993)
use an abbreviated version of the title.
Journal Article 1 Author
Arslanoğlu, A. (2019). The Effect of Effective Communication on Patient Safety Culture and the Mediating Role of Internal Entrepreneurship: A Private Hospital Application. İnsan & İnsan, 6 (21), 431-451. DOI: 10.29224/insanveinsan.537757
Journal Article 2 Authors
Arslanoğlu, A., & Kırılmaz, H. (2019). Adaptation of the Patient-Centred Care Competence (PCCCC) Scale to Turkish. Journal of Health Academicians, 6(2), 158-166. Retrieved from https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/sagakaderg/issue/46295/584634
2 Display in Named Authors
Arslanoğlu, A., & Köser, C. E. (2020). A Qualitative Research Examining the Problems of Operating Theatre Nurses. Journal of Health and Social Welfare Research, 2 (1), 1-14. Retrieved from https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/sarad/issue/52062/625394
*** In journal articles without DOI number, the source taken should be shown.
2 Notation for Surname Authors
Arslanoğlu, A., & Varol-Çalışkan, S. (2022). The Effect of Hospital Physical Structure on Patient Satisfaction. Journal of Health and Social Welfare Research, 4(2), 203-217. DOI: 10.55050/sarad.1142781
Journal Article: 3 and More Authors
Kavak, A. E., Gemlik, H. N., & Arslanoğlu, A. (2019). A Qualitative Research on the Perspective of Female and Male Managers Working in Hospitals. Journal of Management, Economics and Marketing Research, 3(5), 208-219. DOI: 10.29226/tr1001.2019.153
Book Display rules
Book Single Author
Arslanoglu, A. (2021). 5n 1Quality. Istanbul: Eftalya Publishing.
Book Two Authors
Semiz, D. and Arslanoğlu, A. (2012). Protective First Aid. Istanbul: Eftalya Publishing.
Book: Single Edited
Gemlik, N. (Ed). (2018). 4 Dimensions in Hospital Management. Istanbul: Nobel Publishing House.
Book: Two Edited
Beylik, U. and Avcı, K. (Ed). (2019). Quality Management and Accreditation in Health. Ankara: Gazi Bookstore.
Book Chapter
Arslanoğlu, A. (2019). Quality and Accreditation in Health in Terms of Standards. In Beylik, U. and Avcı, K. (Eds.), Quality Management and Accreditation in Health (pp. 231-258). Gazi Bookstore.
Book Chapter in English Edited Book
Arslanoglu A. (2010). A Qualıtatıve Research On Green Hospıtal Awareness Of Green Hospıtal Managers. In K. T. Calippolv, L. Tastrery and G. G. Brown (Eds), Handbook of Hospital Management. (2nd ed., pp. 25-38). Academy Press.
***The writing of a chapter in an English edited book in a Turkish work is carried out by removing the ''comma'' and ''&'' signs between the author names in English writing and replacing them with and. In addition, if there is more than one editor, the abbreviation Eds. In English, the abbreviation Eds. is written, while in Turkish it is written as Ed. If there is only one editor, there is no difference between Turkish and English notation.
Web Resources Notation Rules
Web Page
5n 1Quality. (2023, February). Haydar Sur CV. https://5n1kalite.com/prof-dr-haydar-sur/ Date of Access:
Journal of 5N1Quality (2023, March). About the Journal. https://5n1quality.com/index.php/pub/about
Social Media Resources Display Rules
Kahveci, N. (2022, January). Lean Management [Video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnTssumSwJM
Thesis Source Display Rules
Unpublished Thesis Display
Arslanoğlu, A. (2009). Yönetimde Dış Kaynaklardan Yararlanma Yaklaşımı ve Sağlık Sektöründe Bir Uygulama [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Marmara University.
Published Thesis Display
Arslanoğlu, A. (2009). Yönetimde Dış Kaynaklardan Yararlanma Yaklaşımı ve Sağlık Sektöründe Bir Uygulama [Master's thesis, Marmara University]. National Thesis Centre. https://tez.yok.gov.tr/UlusalTezMerkezi/tezSorguSonucYeni.jsp
Scientific Publications and Symposium Presentations Citation
Oral Presentation Source Citation
Arslanoglu, A. and Ulutas, P. ( 2022, October, 13-15). Investigation of the Effect of Preoperative Information on Surgical Anxiety and Postoperative Pain in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomies [Oral Presentation]. 5th International 15th National Health and Hospital Administration Congress, Samsun, Turkey.
Poster Presentation Citation
Arslanoglu, A. and Ulutas, P. ( 2022, October, 13-15). Investigation of the Effect of Preoperative Information on Surgical Anxiety and Postoperative Pain in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomies [Poster Presentation]. 5th International 15th National Health and Hospital Administration Congress, Samsun, Turkey.
Symposium / Panel Citation
Arslanoğlu, A. (2022, September, 15-17). Turkey's Quality Journey. In H. Sur (Chair), Quality Standards in Health [Symposium]. Health Quality and Accreditation Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey.
Tables and Figures:
The number of tables and figures in the article should not exceed six. Tables and Figures should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text, should be associated with the text, should have a title, and if quoted from somewhere, the source must be indicated below.
See the Manuscript template for sample tables and figures.
Similarity Report:
A plagiarism rate of more than 20% excluding double quotes (" "), italics, journal template and bibliography will cause the study to be RETRACTED. The filtering options in the iThenticate programme should be set as follows:
- Bibliography excluded.
- Quotes excluded.
- Excluding text parts containing less than five (5) words (Limit match size to 5 words).
- Other filtering options in the programme menu cannot be included in the report.
- The report must be saved as ".pdf" extension.
NOTE: Even if a similarity report is uploaded by the author, a similarity report (iThenticate) is made by the Journal Editors during the pre-checking phase. In case of a discrepancy with the similarity file uploaded by the author, the result made by the journal management is considered valid.
All responsibility for the prepared manuscripts belongs to the author(s).