The Examination of the Relationship between Gender Perception and Gender Roles in Young Adults: A Case Study of Karabuk Province

The Relationship Between Gender Perception and Roles




Young Adult, Gender, Gender Perception, Gender Roles


This study was conducted to determine the relationship between gender perception and social gender roles in young adults in Karabük province. This descriptive correlational study was carried out with 306 students studying at Karabük University Faculty of Health Sciences between 15.12.2023-15.06.2024. The data of the study were collected using a "Personal Information Form", "Social Gender Perception Scale" and "Social Gender Roles Attitude Scale". Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 26.0 package program. The statistical significance limit was accepted as p<0.05. The average scores of students on the Social Gender Roles Attitude Scale were 53.71±10.35, and the average scores on the Social Gender Perception Scale were 79.75±6.19. It was observed that students' social gender perceptions and attitudes varied depending on factors such as age, gender, and family structure. In order to deepen our understanding in this field and contribute to the dissemination of egalitarian attitudes, awareness and education programs on gender equality should be examined in future research.


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How to Cite

Çuvadar, A., Akın, Z., & Mutlu, Y. (2024). The Examination of the Relationship between Gender Perception and Gender Roles in Young Adults: A Case Study of Karabuk Province: The Relationship Between Gender Perception and Roles. Journal of 5N1Quality, 2(2), 17–26.