Dyspnea Management İn Oncology Patients Receiving Palliative Care

Dyspnea and Its Assessment in Palliative Oncology Patients





Dyspnea scales, oncology patients, palliative care



Palliative care in cancer patients is important in terms of increasing the quality of life and providing symptom management. Oncology patients who need palliative care are usually a special group who experience symptoms severely. Dyspnea, which is one of these symptoms, has an important place since it causes negative emotions such as fear of death and anxiety, negatively affects daily living activities, and is especially common in terminal cancer patients. Determination of the severity of dyspnea by making an objective diagnosis is important in terms of providing patients with timely and appropriate treatment options. The aim of this review is to examine the tools used for the evaluation of dyspnea in oncology patients receiving palliative care in light of current literature. With this review, health professionals working in the field of palliative care will be able to reach national and international scales that can guide them in evaluating dyspnea better.



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How to Cite

Özdaş, T., & Dönmez, E. (2023). Dyspnea Management İn Oncology Patients Receiving Palliative Care: Dyspnea and Its Assessment in Palliative Oncology Patients. Journal of 5N1Quality, 1(1), 29–38. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7761230